AI, Government and the Future

Beyond the Hype: AI's Real-World Impacts on Governing

AI, Government and the Future

Welcome to our weekly dive into the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on the U.S. Government!

AI is progressing at an incredible pace, and we're just scratching the surface. With so much information out there, it can be overwhelming to keep up.

We're here to provide you with insightful analysis and a concise summary, delivered to you on a regular basis. Stay informed, stay up-to-date, and join us on this thrilling journey into the future of AI.

Recap Episode Three of AI Government And The Future: Somayeh Aghnia

In the third episode of AI, Government, and the Future, we were joined by Somayeh Aghnia, Co-Founder and CEO of Geeks. We dove into the concept of augmented intelligence and its role in the future. They expound on the need for balance between humans and technology and explore the potential benefits and challenges of AI in government. Moreover, Somayeh highlights the importance of faster approval for technology programs and the need for continuous learning and adaptation.

Click the links below: 


AI 'Kill Switch' Promised by Tech Heavyweights. What It Means for Safety - CNET

World governments and leading tech companies made a pledge on AI safety during a summit in Seoul, committing to investments in research, testing, and safety measures. Companies such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Samsung agreed to implement a "kill switch" for AI systems to prevent catastrophic events. This will be implemented in the near future. This will allow them to shut down their systems instantly. They have also all agreed to steer AI away from harmful applications such as bioweapons and cyberattacks. AI experts are raising concerns about the risks associated with AI development and emphasize the need for responsible practices. This pledge follows previous commitments made in November and highlights ongoing efforts to establish rules and guardrails for AI technology.

The Number 

$200 million 

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will vote on a $200 million Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Program to protect schools and libraries from cyberattacks. The program aims to gather data on effective cybersecurity measures and provide support to educational settings. The initiative is part of the FCC's Learn Without Limits campaign and will be separate from the E-Rate program. The Consortium for School Networking praised the program for its efforts to protect students and ensure uninterrupted learning.


California Bill to Regulate AI Use by State Agencies Passes Third Reading in State Senate - TechTimes 

California lawmakers have introduced a bill (SB 896) to regulate the use of AI by state agencies. The bill requires these agencies to alert users when they are interacting with AI and encourages investment in AI education and the development of AI competency in the state workforce. The bill aims to prevent harm caused by AI and is seen as an important starting point for regulating the technology. everal states, nation wide, are introducing similar legislation to regulate AI, particularly in relation to election misinformation. Additionally, the FCC is proposing regulations to require disclaimers on AI-generated political advertisements.

How AI Will Change Democracy - CyberScoop

AIhas the potential to influence every aspect of society by replacing human tasks in areas such as trading stocks, playing chess, and operating social media accounts. The key changes brought by AI include improvements in speed, scale, scope, and sophistication. AI can summarize, explain, persuade, predict, assess, and make decisions. While the technology has promising implications, it also raises social concerns. AI will impact democracy by changing politics, lawmaking, administration, the legal system, and the role’s voters play. It can assist politicians in engaging with voters, conducting polls, fundraising, and developing campaign strategies. AI can also aid in writing laws, enforcing regulations, providing legal advice, and acting as judges. Additionally, AI can help citizens understand political issues, moderate discussions, navigate bureaucracies, and even act as personal representatives. With these potential impactful possabilities, , the security, incentives, risks, power dynamics, equity, and trust associated with AI must be carefully considered to ensure that it benefits society and democracy.